Currently building a Win10 VM to run Natural Reader. It will convert websites/pdfs/documents to MP3 for me to listen either while I am driving or doing chores.
Currently building a Win10 VM to run Natural Reader. It will convert websites/pdfs/documents to MP3 for me to listen either while I am driving or doing chores.
So I made the jump to using FreeBSD on the desktop and it’s beginning to grow on me. Some notes.
All in all, a challenging experience, but one that I am glad I did.
The TODO list
I build tools for my use. Hardware, Software, and services. I build not to sell, rent and/or give to others. One cannot solve the problems of others, until she can solve her own.
While I am supporter of Free Software, both beer and freedom, I most importantly support the freedom to do what you want. This is because I don’t want anyone telling me what to do with my life.
If I follow your instructions, know that it is because I deem it in my own best interest. Our goals have been aligned. Nothing more, nothing less.