Category Archives: #RasperryPi

A cool idea – A built-in wall vacuum

Part of a future project !

Fumes in ABS 3D printing is real

Seriously. I am going to have to set print jobs after hours. This thing is definitely different to PLA.

The project that I am printing for is a dashboard camera called vEye.

Heart Beat shell script

I use this script to get alerts from some systems to insure they are still up.  It gives me local IP address, hostname and the WAN IP for the network.


IP=”$(ip addr | grep ‘state UP’ -A2 | tail -n1 | awk ‘{print $2}’ | cut -f1 -d’/’)”
echo $IP2 > /tmp/$HST
echo $IP >> /tmp/$HST
echo $CN >> /tmp/$HST
echo $CT >> /tmp/$HST

/usr/bin/sendemail -t info\ -f hb\ -u “HB from $HST” -s smtp.server -o message-file=/tmp/$HST;

90 hacker friendly boards

Our New Year’s guide to hacker-friendly single board computers turned up 90 boards, ranging from powerful media playing rigs to power-sipping IoT platforms.

Community backed, open spec single board computers running Linux and Android sit at the intersection between the commercial embedded market and the open source maker community. Hacker boards also play a key role in developing the Internet of Things devices that will increasingly dominate our technology economy in the coming years, from home automation devices to industrial equipment to drones.


I am building the world…

…that I want live in. Not waiting for the future…

DIY Water gauge

This a project is for a friend was concerned about how much water was in her cistern.  I decided to use a rangefinder to measure the water level and then email this value.  I also 3D printed a case for the Raspberry Pi.

This is currently a work in progress.


  • Hardware
    • Arduino
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Ultrasonic Rangefinder
    • Wifi Dongle
    • Powered USB Hub
    • Cables
    • Power Blocks
  • Softwre
    • Raspberian
    • Custom Code
  • Services
    • Email Server (SMTP Relay)


Ultrasonic Rangefinder




Rasperry Pi + Arduino + Powered USB Hub



  • Graph Data (Google Spreadsheets)
  • Enclosure for Rasperry Pi, Arduino,Powered USB Hub (3D Printed)