Author Archives: Stanford

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

With much of our attention focused the rise of advanced artificial intelligence, few consider the potential for radically amplified human intelligence (IA). It’s an open question as to which will come first, but a technologically boosted brain could be just as powerful — and just as dangerous – as AI.


via io9


50% below average IQ. We’re lucky not to get a UKIP-type surge more often. Elitist? Well I admit I’d rather be GOVERNED by an elite.
– @RichardDawkins

World War 3 will be started because the auto-translate screwed up….

This is  discussion on FB with Dutch speakers ironically about robotics and the end of jobs.  The person I was talking with, reponded with this reply

De ontwikkeling gaat steeds verder, maar het zal toch eerst het geestdodende werk worden dat wordt gerobotiseerd.
Ook de pizzabakker blijft …

Using Facebook’s auto translate, I got this.

The development will continue, but it will still work the stultifying first be being robotised.
Also remains the pizza…

I jumped on Google’s Translate and got this.

The development is progressing, but it will first be drudgery that robotized.
The pizza chef remains


What the Caribbean should be doing from the get go….

California Is On The Verge Of Water Abundance

Solar-Desalination-Blog-June-2015-It will not happen overnight, but California is on the verge of a hydro-­revolution; the beginning of a radical transformation that will dramatically increase the amount of available water. It has already happened in other parts of the world. From where we stand today, this transformation sounds quite unlikely. There are those in California who believe we should return to a desert landscape, retire what has become the most productive agricultural region in the world and live with what little water nature provides. Fortunately, we have overcome even greater obstacles and water abundance in California is not only possible, it is inevitable. The foundation for this water revolution is already in place.



Windows 10 on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10

Downloaded the Media Creation Tool 

Installed it on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10


Processor type Atom Z530
Processor speed 1600.0 MHz
Display size 10.1 inches
Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels
Graphics Type Integrated
Primary Graphics Chipset Intel US15W Chipset
General Information
UPC Code 884116019879
Memory size 1024.0 MB
Memory type DDR2 SDRAM
Memory speed 800.0 MHz




