Category Archives: #Geek

Python overtakes French as the most popular language taught in primary schools

…well that’s awkward…..

Six out of ten parents – and 75% of children – want primary schools to teach the Python coding language instead of French

via Information Age

Hello Microsoft, welcome to the Laptop race … Microsoft Surface Book

Microsoft just introduced its first-ever laptop on Tuesday, called Surface Book.

Weighing in at a little over three pounds, Surface Book is the fastest 13-inch laptop ever created, and it’s two times faster than Apple’s MacBook Pro, according to Microsoft.

We’ve tested the computer for a few minutes at Microsoft’s launch event, and it definitely feels like a strong competitor to Apple’s MacBook Pro.

It will be available October 26 starting at $1,499.


[via techinsider]

A great discussion on OS use in Computer Science education

What makes Windows a “bad” OS? Why does the computer science world force Linux on you?

I have worked on linux in school and I don’t hate it but I don’t see what it has that windows doesn’t (so far). The differences I do see on linux are manually done things, things that are automated on windows. Besides being free and no viruses(because I have avoided viruses my whole life through smart web searching/downloading) what are advantages over windows? *Also why can’t a computer scientist like me fix the problems windows does have*? I mean isn’t that the purpose of my degree? I’m sorry if I sound like a windows fanboy but I just want a totally performance/convenience based reasoning.

*I know windows is closed source but let’s just say I mean to join Microsoft and help fix it*

Via quora

Windows 10 on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10

Downloaded the Media Creation Tool 

Installed it on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10


Processor type Atom Z530
Processor speed 1600.0 MHz
Display size 10.1 inches
Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels
Graphics Type Integrated
Primary Graphics Chipset Intel US15W Chipset
General Information
UPC Code 884116019879
Memory size 1024.0 MB
Memory type DDR2 SDRAM
Memory speed 800.0 MHz







#programaday : Find Teamviewer ID and email it….

Assumptions :

Sendemail program is in c:\sendemail\

IF @OSArch = ‘x86’ Then


Func emailID($tv_key)
Local $file2send = “c:\2em.bat”
Local $sVar = RegRead($tv_key, “ClientID”)
$em=”c:\sendemail\sendemail.exe -f <My Email> -t <My Email> -u ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34) & ” -m ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34)
FileCreate($file2send ,$em)
; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, $file2send , $em)
; Create a file.
Func FileCreate($sFilePath, $sString)
Local $bReturn = True ; Create a variable to store a boolean value.
If FileExists($sFilePath) = 0 Then $bReturn = FileWrite($sFilePath, $sString) = 1 ; If FileWrite returned 1 this will be True otherwise False.
Return $bReturn ; Return the boolean value of either True of False, depending on the return value of FileWrite.
EndFunc ;==>FileCreate

How I live my life…

Building custom fit solutions to my problems…

The Solid is an unusual bicycle: it’s 3D-printed out of titanium, it’s unusually streamlined, it will take you on routes designed to help you discover a city and it tells you where to turn by buzzing signals in the handlebars. It’s also a signal of how things will be built in the future.

via [Cnet]