Category Archives: #Hacking

A great article on the next age in human development

This article confirms what I thought.

Nobody wants to say it outright, but the Apple Watch sucks. So do most smartwatches. Every time I use my beautiful Moto 360, its lack of functionality makes me despair. But the problem isn’t our gadgets. It’s that the future of consumer tech isn’t going to come from information devices. It’s going to come from infrastructure.

[via Gizmodo]

Can technology solve the problems of the Caribbean?

As a Technologist, I wonder if the problems in the Caribbean can be solved by technology. The short answer is yes. For this reason, it is my mandate in life to implement technical solutions to various facets of my life and hopefully, those around me can learn and adapt to the new paradigm that the region will have to adhere to.

DDAO and the technology unemployed in Caribbean – rambling


Can Distributed Decentralized Automonous Organizations function in the Caribbean ? Yes, it can and will.  It’s just a matter of what scale and what functions the communities will want to implement these systems.  There will be resistance.  But this will only by those who are part of the increasing technology unemployed with signicant financial debt.  My suggestion would be :

  1. Become part of a community that is self-reliant and become free of any financial debt.
  2. Find the thing you love to do, because you will have no other reason to live, as it won’t be neccessary to work.


code … killproc.c

This week is Computer Science Education Week.  As part of their Hour of Code, I will be posting my source code from as far as back as possible.

It’s a bunch of gunk and fudges, so don’t judge me.  BTW… everything is BSD licensed.


After years of having to do it either manually through Task Manager or using a scripting engine like AutoIT, I finally settled down and wrote my own Win32 application that does massacres processes that I don’t like.  Will post source code later. Note that this kills all instances of the specified process. Usage : killproc.exe […]




#include <Tlhelp32.h>



void killProcessByName(const char*filename){
HANDLE hSnapShot =CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
pEntry.dwSize =sizeof(pEntry);
BOOL hRes =Process32First(hSnapShot,&pEntry);
while(hRes){if(strcmp(pEntry.szExeFile, filename)==0){
HANDLE hProcess =OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE,0,(DWORD) pEntry.th32ProcessID);
if(hProcess != NULL){
hRes =Process32Next(hSnapShot,&pEntry);

int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
if (argc>1)
printf (“Killing process named %s\n”,argv[1]);
} else
printf (“Usage : killproc <procname>\n”);

return 0;


Code – helloworld.c

This week is Computer Science Education Week.  As part of their Hour of Code, I will be posting my source code from as far as back as possible.

It’s a bunch of gunk and fudges, so don’t judge me.  BTW… everything is BSD licensed.


Hello World on Windows.

#include “stdio.h”

void sayHello()
printf (“Hello Stanford ! Welcome back to Win32 API. You have been missed !! \n”);

int main()
return 0;