Category Archives: #Entrepreneur

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

With much of our attention focused the rise of advanced artificial intelligence, few consider the potential for radically amplified human intelligence (IA). It’s an open question as to which will come first, but a technologically boosted brain could be just as powerful — and just as dangerous – as AI.


via io9

Island Geek Problems

Traveling from St. Thomas to Las Vegas for #defcon23 was a treat because once over the mainland US, #gogowireless was smooth like vodka.  However once we leave South Florida……



I …Love…This !!!!

Be afraid mortals… Be afraid !!!

In a leap for robot development, the MIT researchers who built a robotic cheetah have now trained it to see and jump over hurdles as it runs—making this the first four-legged robot to run and jump over obstacles autonomously.

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How I live my life…

Building custom fit solutions to my problems…

The Solid is an unusual bicycle: it’s 3D-printed out of titanium, it’s unusually streamlined, it will take you on routes designed to help you discover a city and it tells you where to turn by buzzing signals in the handlebars. It’s also a signal of how things will be built in the future.

via [Cnet]