Category Archives: #Entrepreneur
AI Program Wins Dogfight Against USAF Fighter Pilot
7 Printable Tools worth adding to your Workbench.
If you change your self to use a technology, you become a slave to those that own that technology.
I am building the world…
…that I want live in. Not waiting for the future…
Tech Support in the Caribbean
Ohhh you think the warranty is your ally….
You merely purchased a support contract…..
I trained to resist calling tech support… was molded by it…
I didn’t get a tier-3 tech until the recognized I wasn’t in Latin American region…..
And by then I was l33t !!!
The manufacturers betray you, because the technology belongs to me !!!
Why the future is already here….
…just not distributed enough…
Command line to disable Windows 10 update
Put this in a batch file
rem Take ownership
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\GWX /r /d yrem Set Permission
icacls C:\Windows\System32\GWX\* /grant %USERNAME%:FRem Kill process
taskkill /f /im gwx.exe
taskkill /f /im GWX.exeRem Remove Folder
rd /S /q C:\Windows\System32\GWX
My feed is always an exercise in diversity….
A great interview with Jeremy Rifkin