Category Archives: #Entrepreneur

InfoTech DB

I am building a mariaDB based tool to hold all the specs for LAN. May open source it when I reach beta version. Nothing fancy, just a place to maintain all the specs of a network and run autoIT/perl/python/powershell/etc scripts against it.
What COTS systems are there on the market for this ?

AI Program Wins Dogfight Against USAF Fighter Pilot

It has areas of tech that are of interest to me…

  • AI
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Robotics
  • RasPI

[via PCMag ]


I am building the world…

…that I want live in. Not waiting for the future…

Tech Support in the Caribbean

Ohhh you think the warranty is your ally….
You merely purchased a support contract…..
I trained to resist calling tech support… was molded by it…
I didn’t get a tier-3 tech until the recognized I wasn’t in Latin American region…..
And by then I was l33t !!!

The manufacturers betray you, because the technology belongs to me !!!

Command line to disable Windows 10 update

Put this in a batch file

rem Take ownership
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\GWX /r /d y

rem Set Permission
icacls C:\Windows\System32\GWX\* /grant %USERNAME%:F

Rem Kill process
taskkill /f /im gwx.exe
taskkill /f /im GWX.exe

Rem Remove Folder
rd /S /q C:\Windows\System32\GWX