This is a great interview….
Category Archives: #Software
Laptop battery test script – win32
To test the time that a laptop battery takes to discharge, I wrote this script that would just print the time to a text file on the My Documents Directory every 10 seconds. When completely discharged, just look at the time it stopped recording.
- Power on laptop on AC Power
- Run Program
- Remove AC Power
- Let battery power discharge
- Analyse text file.
- Monitor battery load
- Email (?)
Source Code:
#include <Date.au3>
$ts = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr(_Date_Time_GetSystemTime())
$tstart3=StringReplace($tstart2,” “,”_”)while 1
$ts = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr(_Date_Time_GetSystemTime())
FileCreate(@MyDocumentsDir & “\battery_” & $tstart3 & “.txt”,$ts & @CRLF)
WEnd; Create a file.
Func FileCreate($sFilePath, $sString)
Local $bReturn = True
$bReturn = FileWrite($sFilePath, $sString)
Return $bReturn
EndFunc ;==>FileCreate
Tech in the Caribbean ……….
I no longer operate under the idea of “Build it and they will come” …..
I will build it because I need it …….
My philosophy when it comes to technology…..
If they don’t want you to get inside, they ought to build it better.
InfoTech DB
Technology And Trinidad And Tobago — Quenk Technologies
A great article on tech in the region.
AI Program Wins Dogfight Against USAF Fighter Pilot
7 Printable Tools worth adding to your Workbench.
Going to be printing a couple of these !