Category Archives: #Software

A useless machine….

“If you can’t build a useless machine, how can you build a useful one ?”

– Stanford Mings



Powershell – Max the bright

This script increases the brightness to max

set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -force
(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,100)

I build for me….

I build tools for my use.  Hardware, Software, and services.  I build not to sell, rent and/or give to others.  One cannot solve the problems of others, until she can solve her own.

While I am supporter of Free Software, both beer and freedom, I most importantly support the freedom to do what you want.  This is because I don’t want anyone telling me what to do with my life.

If I follow your instructions, know that it is because I deem it in my own best interest.  Our goals have been aligned.  Nothing more, nothing less.

ZFS Testing

Spent the day testing ZFS, via FreeNAS, as a VM storage medium.  Got it to do snapshots, rollbacks, clones and the most important, incremental backup to remote systems.

The goal is for this to allow my core data to be replicated to remote repos for security issues.  This is most imperative after Irmaria.

Resources that were most helpful.


Automata theory is the study of abstract machines and automata, as well as the computational problems that can be solved using them. It is a theory in theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics (a subject of study in both mathematics and computer science). The word automata (the plural of automaton) comes from the Greek word αὐτόματα, which means “self-acting”.


Heart Beat shell script

I use this script to get alerts from some systems to insure they are still up.  It gives me local IP address, hostname and the WAN IP for the network.


IP=”$(ip addr | grep ‘state UP’ -A2 | tail -n1 | awk ‘{print $2}’ | cut -f1 -d’/’)”
echo $IP2 > /tmp/$HST
echo $IP >> /tmp/$HST
echo $CN >> /tmp/$HST
echo $CT >> /tmp/$HST

/usr/bin/sendemail -t info\ -f hb\ -u “HB from $HST” -s smtp.server -o message-file=/tmp/$HST;

Still interested in College ? Study either liberal arts, biotech or a robotic engineering.

if you you still interested in college for yourself or advising someone else, then take

  • Liberal arts where you study human nature
  • Biotech as we are still carbon based entities
  • Engineering involving robotics  –

General Motors acquires OSVehicle to build EDIT, a new modular self-driving car, in white-label

Not sure how I feel about this.

Today, OSVehicle is announcing its acquisition by General Motors Company. GM already bought another Y Combinator backed company Cruise Automation in March last year to focus on key long-term technologies such as autonomous driving technology and vehicle safety.

GM will now utilize OSVehicle’s open source hardware expertise to develop EDIT, a self-driving car, based on modular version of Chevy Bolt M1 platform. This modular technology was developed jointly with OSVehicle, to enable the easy replacement of key components such as electric motor and battery pack, which will allow vehicles to last 10X longer than traditional cars.

Modularity also allows the hardware upgrade of hardware stacks for self-driving and connected-cars, helping services like ride sharing. This is another strategic move made by GM towards “mobility as-a-service” after investing 500M $ in Lyft and launching Maven, GM’s own car sharing service in January 2016.


[via osvehicle]