Category Archives: #Tech Business

Windows 10 on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10

Downloaded the Media Creation Tool 

Installed it on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10


Processor type Atom Z530
Processor speed 1600.0 MHz
Display size 10.1 inches
Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels
Graphics Type Integrated
Primary Graphics Chipset Intel US15W Chipset
General Information
UPC Code 884116019879
Memory size 1024.0 MB
Memory type DDR2 SDRAM
Memory speed 800.0 MHz







#programaday : Find Teamviewer ID and email it….

Assumptions :

Sendemail program is in c:\sendemail\

IF @OSArch = ‘x86’ Then


Func emailID($tv_key)
Local $file2send = “c:\2em.bat”
Local $sVar = RegRead($tv_key, “ClientID”)
$em=”c:\sendemail\sendemail.exe -f <My Email> -t <My Email> -u ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34) & ” -m ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34)
FileCreate($file2send ,$em)
; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, $file2send , $em)
; Create a file.
Func FileCreate($sFilePath, $sString)
Local $bReturn = True ; Create a variable to store a boolean value.
If FileExists($sFilePath) = 0 Then $bReturn = FileWrite($sFilePath, $sString) = 1 ; If FileWrite returned 1 this will be True otherwise False.
Return $bReturn ; Return the boolean value of either True of False, depending on the return value of FileWrite.
EndFunc ;==>FileCreate

Why the caribbean must embrace technology now more than ever….

  • Basic Income
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Automation

For a policy proposal that has an approximately 0 percent chance of being passed by the US Congress right now, universal basic income is an uncommonly hot topic. The idea that every body should receive a paycheck simply for being alive is fast becoming a darling of several factions: tech investors who expect millions of jobs to be automated out of existence, libertarians who see it as a way to avoid the inefficiencies of the traditional welfare state, and certain lefties who have embraced it as part of a way to separate government benefits from work. Dylan Matthews of Vox has produced a string of primers on the subject, and The Atlantic recently profiled a Reddit-famous basic income advocate. Yet the idea goes against everything Republicans are supposed to believe about no free rides, as well as Democrats’ preference for welfare programs designed from on high. Even if there were solid mainstream support for basic income, Congress can barely do anything these days, much less consider a wholesale redistribution of wealth.

[via vice]

How I live my life…

Building custom fit solutions to my problems…

The Solid is an unusual bicycle: it’s 3D-printed out of titanium, it’s unusually streamlined, it will take you on routes designed to help you discover a city and it tells you where to turn by buzzing signals in the handlebars. It’s also a signal of how things will be built in the future.

via [Cnet]