Category Archives: #Tech Business

Soo…..that’s it ? Windows 10 is the Last Version of Windows

Microsoft just announced in its Ignite 2015 conference in Chicago that Windows 10 is set to be “the last version of Windows.
“Right now [we are] releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, [we are] all still working on Windows 10,” said Microsoft’s developer evangelist Jerry Nixon while speaking at the conference this week.

– See more at:


[via Hacker News]

A great article on the next age in human development

This article confirms what I thought.

Nobody wants to say it outright, but the Apple Watch sucks. So do most smartwatches. Every time I use my beautiful Moto 360, its lack of functionality makes me despair. But the problem isn’t our gadgets. It’s that the future of consumer tech isn’t going to come from information devices. It’s going to come from infrastructure.

[via Gizmodo]

A Blackberry Passport in the lab

Been doing some testing of the Blackberry Passport and must say, I am quite impressed.

Pluses :

  • Running Android Apps (via Amazon Store and 3rd Party Sources)
  • Big screen
  • Physical Keyboard
  • Keyboard that can be swiped !

Negatives :

  • It’s a Blackberry ! 🙂

Can technology solve the problems of the Caribbean?

As a Technologist, I wonder if the problems in the Caribbean can be solved by technology. The short answer is yes. For this reason, it is my mandate in life to implement technical solutions to various facets of my life and hopefully, those around me can learn and adapt to the new paradigm that the region will have to adhere to.

DDAO and the technology unemployed in Caribbean – rambling


Can Distributed Decentralized Automonous Organizations function in the Caribbean ? Yes, it can and will.  It’s just a matter of what scale and what functions the communities will want to implement these systems.  There will be resistance.  But this will only by those who are part of the increasing technology unemployed with signicant financial debt.  My suggestion would be :

  1. Become part of a community that is self-reliant and become free of any financial debt.
  2. Find the thing you love to do, because you will have no other reason to live, as it won’t be neccessary to work.
