Author Archives: Stanford

Harley Davidson unveils the company’s fist electric bike

Epic !!   Fossil fuels are on their way out !!  Looking forward to seeing this on the road !!  Congrats Harley Davidson with taking this step.

Harley-Davidson unveiled its first electric motorcycle Thursday, and promised it will still sound really cool.
“The sound is a distinct part of the thrill,” chief marketing officer Mark-Hans Richer said in a news release. “Think fighter jet on an aircraft carrier.”

The electric Harley, dubbed Project LiveWire, isn’t for sale yet. The iconic motorcycle manufacturer kicks off a promotional tour next week to give customers a chance to test the bike, which it says will have all the edge of a gas-guzzling hog.


[via CNN Money]

Tech problems of the future….

I was in the garage with the engine on for 3 hours before I realised you can’t commit suicide in an electric car.

Via @badiotday

Yet another major ISP is using your cable modem to offer free WiFi hotspots

Something is just wrong with this.

Several Internet Service Providers in the United States use subscribers’ cable modems to broadcast free WiFi hotspots to other customers in the area. While notes about this practice are always buried somewhere in terms and conditions or other notices, subscribers are often unaware of this practice. And as might be expected, they’re often taken aback when they learn for the first time that their Internet connections are being used to provide strangers with free WiFi.