I can now control the real world from the command line !! 🙂
Thanks to the following youtube video
Assumptions :
Sendemail program is in c:\sendemail\
IF @OSArch = ‘x86’ Then
emailID($tv)Func emailID($tv_key)
Local $file2send = “c:\2em.bat”
Local $sVar = RegRead($tv_key, “ClientID”)
$em=”c:\sendemail\sendemail.exe -f <My Email> -t <My Email>Â -u ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34) & ” -m ” & chr(34) & ” TV on ” & @ComputerName & ” is ” & $sVar & chr(34)
FileCreate($file2send ,$em)
; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, $file2send , $em)
; Create a file.
Func FileCreate($sFilePath, $sString)
Local $bReturn = True ; Create a variable to store a boolean value.
If FileExists($sFilePath) = 0 Then $bReturn = FileWrite($sFilePath, $sString) = 1 ; If FileWrite returned 1 this will be True otherwise False.
Return $bReturn ; Return the boolean value of either True of False, depending on the return value of FileWrite.
EndFunc ;==>FileCreate
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The Gundam
The Megabot
For a policy proposal that has an approximately 0 percent chance of being passed by the US Congress right now, universal basic income is an uncommonly hot topic. The idea that every body should receive a paycheck simply for being alive is fast becoming a darling of several factions: tech investors who expect millions of jobs to be automated out of existence, libertarians who see it as a way to avoid the inefficiencies of the traditional welfare state, and certain lefties who have embraced it as part of a way to separate government benefits from work. Dylan Matthews of Vox has produced a string of primers on the subject, and The Atlantic recently profiled a Reddit-famous basic income advocate. Yet the idea goes against everything Republicans are supposed to believe about no free rides, as well as Democrats’ preference for welfare programs designed from on high. Even if there were solid mainstream support for basic income, Congress can barely do anything these days, much less consider a wholesale redistribution of wealth.
Be afraid mortals… Be afraid !!!
In a leap for robot development, the MIT researchers who built a robotic cheetah have now trained it to see and jump over hurdles as it runs—making this the first four-legged robot to run and jump over obstacles autonomously.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-05-cheetah-robot-video.html#jCp
Damn you business acroynms…..
In the age of texting entire conversations and the widening adoption of team chat apps, the list of business acronyms is constantly getting longer. (Technically, they’re initialisms, but you get the point.)